Below is a statement from DPS Secretary Jason Bowie concerning his response to the LECB erroneously posting Secretary Bowie’s name in public allegations of misconduct. During the meeting, Secretary Bowie was limited to three minutes to counter the allegations. For...
NMSP Press Releases
Update: CANCEL Silver Alert-Roswell Police Department
Silver Alert-Roswell Police Department
HAPPENING TODAY: Law enforcement officials partner to address urgent public safety issues along Route 66 in Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE – The Bernalillo County District Attorney’s Office, New Mexico State Police (NMSP), Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO), and the New Mexico Corrections Department’s (NMCD) Probation and Parole Division are collaborating to combat crime along the...
Update: Cancel Silver Alert- Rio Rancho Police Department
NMSP officer placed on leave amidst FBI’s DWI enterprise investigation
After placing an officer on leave in connection with the DWI Enterprise Investigation, NMSP Chief Troy Weisler has issued the following statement: “As a result of the ongoing investigation into allegations of DWI-related racketeering, I have placed New Mexico State...